Saturday, February 28, 2009

Depths Of My Soul

T he questions of this day,
H earken to the unknown
E asily asked, yet . . .

D are I answer?

E ver have I shied away,
P iously avoiding
T ruth.

H iding, from myself

S ome are born to bear burdens
O thers, are forced to
F ear . . .
M atters of the mind

Y et ever do we . . .
S eek,
O nly to find no answers,
U nder the bridges of our minds

L ife's dealt its blows
W inning with my grief
I ncomparable though, to the pain of . . .
L ove.

L ove.
B arely a word, yet . . .
E ver does it echo the
R eality of a true heart

E ver gripped by my mind,
A ccosted by demons, yet . . .
L ove, beckoned.
I rresistibly.

S tepping tentatively,
E ver the cynic
D aring the whirlwind,
O f her intensity

N ever, in nine
L ifetimes, could I have known, a
Y earning, so powerfully compelling,
W ithout even a touch.

H ow can this be?
E ven as I ask, I . . .
N otice,
I don't even care

A s was fated though,
M y heart was captured,
F ires were cooled,
I ce was broken.

N ow I have no fear.

A s always,
L ove does not kill demons,
L ove only soothes them
Y es, they are calm,
W ell, calmer.
I fear though,
T hey will never be silenced.

H er heart is strong though,
M ine as well.

Y et apart, I am only a part.

S oon however,
T ogether,
A lways,
R ealizing . . . wholeness, the true depths of my soul.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why does pornographic sites exist?

Big Income:Pornography is big business--with $10 billion to $14 billion in annual sales। The author, Frank Rich, suggests that pornography is bigger than any of the major league sports, perhaps bigger than Hollywood। Porn is "no longer a sideshow to the is the mainstream," he says। The Business Of Smut: What Is It?

Adult Video $500 million to $1।8 billion
Internet $1 billion
Pay-Per-View $128 million
Magazines $1 billion
Total $2.6 billion to $3.9 billion
Sources: Adams Media Research, Forrester Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report----